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The Good, The Bad & The Wicked! In this work we review the book of the Prophet Isaiah. We will compare the ancient days of Judah prior to their exile in Babylon and the prophecies pertaining to the future coming kingdom of the Messiah, Jesus.

Our comparison will be the current day events happening around the world. Many of the warnings that the major prophets: Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel spoke concerning the evil ways of both the House of Israel and the House of Judah and are reviewed from an ancient Biblical viewpoint and the events happening today.

It seems there are three groups of people in the world today. There are the righteous people; those in rebellion against Got; and, those who are violent and wicked. Do not be deceived by Satan and his demonic spirits! Every person must make their own choice as  to where they desire to spend eternity. Choose wisely!


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